As you all know the holidays are coming, and boy will they ever get here fast! Before we know it Thanksgiving will be here, Christmas, and before we know it… 2018! I’ve been really focusing on observing people lately and it seems that a lot are so filled with emptiness, bitterness and hatred. These things will lead you to destruction. As a person who deals with large amounts of people daily, I see what it is capable of. Some people look twice their age. Others look stressed and some look extremely exhausted. When you allow these things to take over it, consumes everything about you and before you recognize the problem, it fills heads with ideas that life is a one way street that leads to a dead-end. I’m here to tell you it’s not. Life is what you make of it. As most people say “if life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, it’s true. Sometimes you have to flip things in the opposite direction before it consumes everything about you. Once these things take over, it can be very difficult to get out.
With the time getting closer for loved ones to get together, keep in mind others are not so lucky. The reality is true that some individuals are all alone and have nobody. It should be an everyday exercise to spread love and joy for each other. Lets show our love for one another and make people feel wanted this Christmas. Sometimes all someone needs is just a smile and recognition to remind them they aren’t invisible. You and I are no better than anyone else. We are all created equal. The only difference between some is better choices, not proclaiming to be better than someone else. We can choose to make wiser decisions, but human life is so precious and it should never be taken for granted. Don’t judge others because they are different. The wonderful thing about living in the world today is the large diversity. We all bleed the same, so shouldn’t we be treated the same?
I challenge you this month to make it a priority to acknowledge the person who seems to be the outcast. Nod, smile, wave, or whatever you wish. You’ll be amazed at how these random acts of kindness will turn your own life around. It’s very therapeutic and I guarantee you’ll feel wonderful. These small seeds we plant will grow enormously if we water them properly. Start growing your harvest and I promise you’ll see tremendous growth unexpectedly present itself as well as bring joy to someone who may be in a time of need.