I hope you all had a great weekend. I don’t have a whole lot to say as I’m in the process of heading to bed to prepare for a long work day tomorrow. I know this blog post is pretty short, but before the day ended, I just wanted to thank you all for all of your support. The music business is not as easy as many people think. It’s hard work to be an independent artist but it’s extremely rewarding. Why is it rewarding? I am in FULL CONTROL of everything from A-Z. When you have a record label behind you, they have full control of your entire project and a lot of your life. The world is changing at how we consume our media. We are in a digital world where people want things, and they want them now. Long are the days of CDs. Most people today prefer to download their music instead of carry around clunky stacks of discs. We can have an entire media collection on our handheld device instead of hauling around a trunk full of CDs. The great thing about this direction is you can do just that with my media projects. You can stream them for free and/or buy them online as a download to take on the go. Make sure to check out the Heart project streaming for free online and available for purchase at your favorite online digital music outlet.
I am very grateful for all of you and I humble myself to you, the grind, and the hustle of this project. Without you, the fans, I wouldn’t have a reason to blog about it. You are all my fuel and I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Stay on the ship as we sail the seas. It’s not all going to be great sailing every day… there will be rough days in the forecast. Rest assured, we are strong and we will stand together for each other and help lead our nation to healing and feeling loved once again.
I love you all. Have an OUTSTANDING work week and I’ll see you in the next article!